91-22-2202 2202
info@drsabadra.comDr. Sabadra's
Advanced Dentistry Center
Painless Dentistry, state-of-the-art dentistry in luxurious, relaxing and soothing surroundings. Flexible scheduling, immediate attention to and rectification of emergencies and appointments that begin on time. Personalized service with uncompromising excellence coupled with our warm and compassionate approach keeps patients returning and recommendations flowing. The experience of dental implants in India at Dr. Sabadra’s Advanced Dentistry Centre is truly extraordinary and miles above the rest.
Go ahead – bite into that apple and dive in to that mouth-watering steak. Walk in to your board meetings more confidently. With your new implants, you’ll have many reasons to smile!
Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.” ~ Arnold H. Glasgow quotes