We utilize cutting edge technology with an emphasis on minimally invasive and painless dentistry which preserves your teeth and maximizes your comfort.
1. Digital X-rays for instant confirmation and accurate diagnoses
2. Apex locators for accurate length measurements
Advanced E and Q Master Cordless Gutta Purcha Obturator for
homogenous 3D packing resulting in improved and long-lasting sealing of
the canal
3. Rotary endodontic technologies that allow for a SINGLE SITTING
Endodontic (root canal) treatment for MULTIPLE (decayed or fractured)
We know that advanced technology minimizes complications and therefore the need for repeat root canal treatments.
We offer Revision Endodontics (re-treatment where necessary) with a very high success rate for patients who have been treated elsewhere.
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” ~
John W. Gardner